Schedule Announced!

2024-02-26 16:44:39+00:00 by Jonathan Katz 2024 is pleased to announce the 2024 schedule.

We're thrilled to have a wonderful lineup of talks that highlight topics on PostgreSQL development and community growth, featuring stories from users, developers, and community organizers.

We're also pleased to announce that our keynote presenter this year is Dr. Margo Seltzer, who is the Canada 150 Research Chair in Computer Systems and the Cheriton Family chair in Computer Science at the University of British Columbia.

Registration is currently open - be sure to register soon to guarantee your spot!

Additionally, we encourage you to book your hotels as soon as possible. There is a large event occurring near the 2024 venue. We have a few discounts with nearby hotels, which are available after you register. Even if you don't stay at one of these hotels, we still encourage you to book your accommodations soon. 2024 is not possible without the generous support of our sponsors. Sponsorship helps us bring together the worldwide PostgreSQL community to focus on upcoming development and community building topics. You can find out more about sponsorship opportunities here: